
Taulman - Alloy 910

Alloy 910

Print temp = 245C - 250C

Nozzle = any size

Print speed = equivalent to ABS

Retraction = 1mm/.1mm nozzle or for a .5mm nozzle = 5mm

Print bed =  Hot = Glass heated to 45C with coat of PVA

                   Cold = BuildTak with coat of PVA


  1. Manufacturer ID is self assigned and used for Production and shipping references
  2. Based on an average of reported values.   Nominally 5C lower with SeeMECNC and E3D HE's due to their structures
  3. Note on t-glase…If the platform cools faster than the part, then a glass platform may suffer cracks.  Tg on Nylon can be missleading due to nylon's structure
  4. Pyrolysis is basically "Boiling"….Check your thermistor!
  5. Print Bed temperature for nylons is a function of reducing the "shock" from layer to layer.  Shock is defined as the time between layers such that the temp diff is at it's greatest.
  6. Small parts in t-glase need a fan on the part being printed due to it's Tg
  7. Moisture plays a strong part in shrinkage.  Less moisture = less shrinkage.
  8. To adhere nylon to nylon, use a soldering iron.
  9. Testing performed by St Louis Testing Laboratories
         Unit = 5500R Instron with Bluehill Software….
         ASTM D412-0a E2
         5 pc's printed at rated temperature
         Bars are .1314" thk
         1 perimeter
         All surfaces (no fill, just surfaces)
         45 degree surfaces
  10. As natural is not a specific color, we are working on a Pantone equivalent.
  11. Living hinge is using the material flexible properties as a hinge assuming 2000 90 degree transitions.
  12. As nylon will take on water, only air cooling should be used.

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